All the elements making up the content of this web site, identified by the dominion name jma.es, including the trade names, trademarks and logos that appear on the web site, are protected by Copyright Law.

The copyright on the content and graphic design of this web site is the exclusive property of Alejandro Altuna S.A It is expressly prohibited to resend, transmit, modify, reproduce, distribute, market or transform it without the express authorisation in writing of Alejandro Altuna S.A.

Therefore, except for expressly authorised personal or private use, the total or partial resending, transmission, modification, reproduction, distribution, marketing and/or transformation of the content of this web site shall constitute an infringement of the copyright of Alejandro Altuna S.A. Any user infringing the copyright shall be held liable.

Alejandro Altuna S.A. reserve the right to deny access, at any time at their discretion and without prior notice, to any user to this web site or part of it, if its content is used improperly, illicitly, or without.


Cookies policy

On our website we use cookies to improve your user experience. If you visit our website, you will accept the use of cookies in the conditions established in this Cookies policy. This policy can be updated; therefore we invite you to regularly review it.

What are cookies and why are they used?
Cookies are small files that are installed in the computer or device during visits to websites/applications to keep a record of your preferences and remember them when you visit us again. The aim is to facilitate the use and navigation by the users.

How do we use cookies?
Visiting the JMA website means that the following types of cookies can be installed:

  • Necessary cookies: These are strictly necessary for the performance of any website. Without them, a website cannot function correctly. For that reason, we do not ask for your explicit consent regarding these cookies.
  • Functional cookies: These are for improving the functionality of a website For example, these are cookies that remember the content that you have previously visualised in this website or the electronic mail address and the password provided during the registration in a previous visit.
  • Analytical cookies from third parties: These provide statistical information about the use that users make of the portal. These cookies allow us to identify the user, as the information they compile is anonymous and will only be used to improve the websites and surfing through the portal, usage statistics, speed of the searches, measurement of activity of the website, etc. This website uses the cost-free website analysis tool Google Analytics. If you require further information you can find it here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

How can you avoid the installation of cookies?
You can allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed in your equipment by means of configuring the options of your Internet navigator. In the case of blockages, it is possible that certain services that need their use are not available.
Below we offer you some links where you can find information about how to activate your preferences in the main navigators:

Cookies Firefox
Cookies Chrome
Cookies IExplorer
Cookies Safari
Cookies Opera

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