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About JMA UK

  • Keys

    "JMA is the leader in manufacturing keys and key-cutting machines"

    New design key.

  • Product box JMA

    "Globalisation has been fundamental to jma's success"

    Seccesfull Globalisation


Alejandro Altuna S.A. is the parent company and driving force behind the Altuna Group. It manufactures all types of  lock-keys and key-cutting machines. Its products are for the OEM and replacement markets, in the latter case with the JMAbrand.

Set up by Alejandro Altuna in 1942 it started as a small workshop polishing metal products. Its location in Mondragón led the business to move into key manufacturing as this was a flourishing sector in the town.

In a short time, a new generation of the family committed to development and investment saw the company through significant growth which consolidated the JMA brand in the 60's as the indisputable leader in Spain.

Later, the strategy of opening up to foreign markets backed by globalisation and always based on an innovative attitude towards industrial processes, turned the ALTUNA GROUP into the largest producer of keys in Europe and a benchmark worldwide in the field.


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