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03 July 2019

Keyless Protector, the frequency inhibitor that prevents vehicle theft

JMA includes the Keyless Protector device in its accessories catalogue. This device prevents vehicles from being stolen by criminals who hack the signal of smart key-based door opening and engine start systems. These systems are convenient for drivers because the doors unlock by bringing the key into proximity to the car. The steering lock is removed and the engine is started in the same way. This is possible because the key emits a constant signal, which is recognised by the vehicle when it comes into range.

However, this technology is not without its risks because criminals have adopted the so-called ‘relay attack’ method that takes advantage of the proximity between the user’s emitter device (the key) and the receiver installed in the vehicle to intercept the frequency and decode the signal.

Keyless Protector acts as a signal inhibitor against illegal scanning devices. It consists of some small plates positioned around the emitter (key) battery. You simply need to open the case, remove the battery and wrap it with the corresponding plate for its size. The Keyless Protector pack contains a set of plates compatible with the key batteries of the main motor vehicle brands in the market.

Once the battery is installed in the key, the Keyless Protector system is activated to prevent that constant signal from the key being transmitted to the vehicle. To deactivate the block and open the car, users simply need to lightly tap the key twice.

Relay attacks have become quite well-known worldwide. Thieves usually take their opportunity to scan the signal when a driver gets into their vehicle. Other ideal locations for this process are residential areas of single-family dwellings with a garage, where the emitter (key) and the car’s receiver are already in proximity. At least two thieves must work together to amplify and scan for the signal before decoding it using devices hidden in briefcases.

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